Omegle Seru, tapi, Banyak Tapinya..

Assalamualaikum, Wr Wb 
Aku mau kasih pengalaman omegelan nih. Sebenernya, banyak yg lebih lucu atau menarik, pokonya aku sering ceramahin penghuni omegle yg gabener wkwk. tapi berhubung nih chat copasnya berurutan. jadi ya seadanya gini. wkwk kira2 ini chat selama sejaman lah. ini dia....

ini chatan yang berurutan

1. Ngaku dari Malaysia. haha

Stranger: hi
Stranger: m
Stranger: bi
You: hi
Stranger: m or f?
You: f, u/
Stranger: male
You: from?
Stranger: from germany
You: nice
Stranger: :)
Stranger: how are you?
You: good
Stranger: u from indo?
You: no. why about indo?
Stranger: cause i changed language into indo on here
Stranger: so, where u from?
You: i'm from malay
You: not far from indo
You: why u changed language indo?
Stranger: ok, nice :)
Stranger: cause il ike asian girls
You: waha, how old r u?
Stranger: 25
Stranger: u?
You: i'm 19
Stranger: ok, thats nice
Stranger: u maybe got skype?
You: why indonesia?
You: asian girls so much like korea, thai, etc
Stranger: cause if u chose indo language u can find the most girls
You: they more beautifull
You: hey
Stranger: i have no preferences, as long as the girl is from asia
You: oh
You: hihi, how about malay?
You: malaysian girls
Stranger: yes - also nice girls there :)
You: haha, are u ever came to indo?
Stranger: no, never been anywhere in asia
You: owh, i think indonesia gurl not beautiful
Stranger: do u like european guys?
You: no, haha i like arabian guys
Stranger: lol
Stranger: ok
You: why u must laugh?
You: he better europen guys
Stranger: well, i dont like arab guys at all. they dont respect women
You: u dont know. arabian guys must merried to have sex
You: not about europen guys
Stranger has disconnected. 

2. cewe ada yang gabener juga. Wkwk, saya bilang f bukannya seneng karena jarang yang f. Malah lgsg di Disconnect

Stranger: f
You: hi
You: where u from
Stranger: indo
Stranger: u?
Stranger: m/f
You: are u do in omegle?
You: i'm f too
Stranger has disconnected.

3. nyebut nama lgsg Dc

Stranger: m'f
You: hbu?
Stranger: m u
You: f
Stranger: umur
You: untuk apa?
Stranger: iya umur kmu berapa
You: emg chatan harus pandang usia?
Stranger: chatsex disni yuk
You: aku tanya mama dulu ya
Stranger: oke
Stranger: aku julian klo kmu
You: aku santo
Stranger has disconnected.

 4.jarang nemuin cowok yang ky gini di omegle

Stranger: hi, asl?
You: f16 indo
Stranger: 21 m
Stranger: asalnya darimana?
You: dri jakarta
Stranger: sma ya dek?
You: iya
Stranger: cari apa dek di omegle?
You: cari temen chat
Stranger: oke
Stranger: mau lanjut kuliah dimana dek nanti?
You: nggak tau nih, lu dmn?
You: gue jurusan ips tp gtau mau masuk apa
Stranger: gue udh kuliah di undip
You: jurusan apa ka?
Stranger: teknik industri dek
You: oh. masuknya jalur undangan gk?
Stranger: tulis dek
You: smt brp?
Stranger: 7
You: susah gk masuknya?
Stranger: ya lumayan dek
Stranger: kamu mau ngambil jurusan apa?
You: nggak tau masuk apa
You: kk sma nya jurusan Ipa ya?
Stranger: ipa dek
You: wkwk, kk pinter nih kayanya
Stranger: gak juga dek
You: kalo lu ngapain omegelan?
You: gabener nih pasti
You: wkwk
Stranger: wkwkw
Stranger: enak aja
Stranger: cari temen chat ya kalau bisa nambah2 temen
You: gk suka bgt gue klo ama cowo gabener
You: iya, bagus klo gitu

5. wkwk nemu yg cewe nih!

Stranger: Hi?
You: ya
Stranger: Mantap
Stranger: Salam dulu biar afdol wkwk
Stranger: Assalamualaikum yea
You: Assalamualaikum
You: waalaikum salam
Stranger: Waalaikumsalam juga
You: hehe
Stranger: Cewe ya?
You: iya, lu?
You: cewe juga?
Stranger: Wess iya wkwk
Stranger: Asal?
You: oke, mantap nih
You: wkwk
You: jkt cans
Stranger: Jarang nemu cewe diomegle
Stranger: Biasanya cowo ga bener najis
Stranger: Smp/sma/kuliah?
You: wkwk
You: tpi gue lg chtan sma cowo bner nih alhamdulillah
You: gue sma
Stranger: Weh sama
Stranger: Sma dimana? Kelas?
You: kls xi
Stranger: Kepo bet gua kek mantan
Stranger: Ga ga wkwk
Stranger: Yahh gua kls 10 ka:v
You: eiy, selo sist
You: aku jomblo
Stranger: Soasik bet gua
Stranger: Maap maap
You: wkwk kaka kls nih gue
Stranger: Yaelaa. Jomblo gamati ini ka
Stranger: Maap:(
You: wkwk, lo jkt juga?
Stranger: Iyaa jkt yang sangat sumpek wkwk
Stranger: Lu anak rp ya?
Stranger: Yak mantap
You: rp apaan ?
You: gue kudet amat ya
You: maap2
You: wkwk
Stranger: Sma mana lu ka
Stranger: Jakarta mana ni
You: jak sel
You: lu mana?
Stranger: Mantap
Stranger: Kokas ye?
Stranger: Utara wkkw
You: weh jauh
You: gue anak MAN dek
You: wkwk
Stranger: Mantapp wkwk
You: lu sma mana?
You: wkwk
Stranger: Disini banyak org gabener.. tapi gua bener ko wkwk
Stranger: 115:v
You: 115?
You: gue taunya itu smp wkwk
Stranger: Iyaa sman 115 ka
You: iya, wkwk klo cewe mah bener mulu dah
You: cewe selalu bener
Stranger: Iyain
Stranger: Id line boleh kaga?
You: id line lu ulud dh
Stranger: Ini dihp sodara coi
You: wkwk tp line gue udh gue apus deng
Stranger: Serah lu y
Stranger: Udaa puas blm chat sm gua? Pengen ngerjain anak Omegle yang sange:v
You: iya
Stranger: Ntar gua bilang Astagfirullah terus
Stranger: Biar mereka tobat
You: gue juga sering gue cramahin
You have disconnected.

6.  luar juga gabener bgt. Kitakan polos!

Stranger: M
You: f
Stranger: Horny?
You: horny itu apa?
Stranger: Im horny
Stranger: Do u love sex
You: what is horny?
Stranger: Means do u love sex
You: ha, i dont know about sex
Stranger: Age?
You: i'm so young
You: 16
Stranger: U have skype
You: i have, but my mom say dont show my sosmed to more people
Stranger: Ok bye
You: yes
You: btw, wht u want in skype?
Stranger: Show u my body
Stranger: and u show me ur body
Stranger: Yes or no?
You: haha, ur so funny
Stranger: Im nt joking
Stranger: yes or no
Stranger: ?
You: i think u crazy about sex
You: sorry, i'm moslem
You: hihi
Stranger has disconnected.

7. endingnya lucu ya? Haha. Orang India neh

Stranger: hi
Stranger: man 22 India
You: hi
You: why you change languange?
Stranger: whats ur name?
You: i'm afifah
You: i ask u
You: why you change languange?
Stranger: i didnt change
Stranger: i dont know afifah
Stranger: are u a girl?
You: yeah.
Stranger: how old r u ?
You: i think u dindt change cause, i just chat with the same languange
You: i'm 16
Stranger: wow
Stranger: do u have skype?
You: what u want?
You: i'm moslem
Stranger: oh no
Stranger: do u like to hv fun?
You: i just have fun, if i with my friend or family go to my favourit place
Stranger: do u like sex chat?
You: i think, i must ask my dad
Stranger has disconnected.

 8. cause...

You: woiii
Stranger: m
You: what did u
Stranger: seksssss
You: iwh
Stranger: why??
Stranger: too afraid?
You: hihi, i'm afraid to my god
You: cause my god always saw me
Stranger has disconnected.

9. Saya nggak ngerti nih. haha

You: udh solat?
Stranger: udah
You: oke
Stranger: m f?
You: female
Stranger: asl mana?
You: jkt
Stranger: wahh sama dong
Stranger: umurnya berapa?
You: iyaa
You: gk usah nanya umur lahh
You: udh tua aku
You: chatan ya chatan
You: gk pandang usia
You: kamu
You: ngapain'
You: main
You: omegle
You: ??
Stranger: iya bener, gue juga lebih tertarik ngobrol sama orang yang diatas gue
You: owh
Stranger: mau ngobrol aja yg jelas nyambung, asik dan pandangannya luas
You: astagfirullah
You: kamu ini
Stranger: kenapa?
You: kamu cewe atau cowo?
Stranger has disconnected.

10. apa salahku?

Stranger: m
You: i dont ask u
Stranger has disconnected.

 11. lgsg di Dc

Stranger: m
You: i dont care
Stranger has disconnected.

12. begini lagi

Stranger: hey....asl
You: haha
You: lol
You: wkwk
You: lol
You: wkwk
Stranger: ok
Stranger: male from germany
You: i dont care
Stranger has disconnected

 13. dia Cuma nyari f

Stranger: Hi
You: m
Stranger has disconnected.

14. haha, playboy dia wkwk

Stranger: mf
You: m\
You: f
You: m
You: f
You: m
You: f
You: m
You: f
Stranger: m
Stranger: age
You: 17
Stranger: 19
Stranger: im playboy
Stranger: u like?
You: u play boy?
You: are u play with boy?
You: haha u gay!
Stranger: no
Stranger: im sack pussy
You: waha
You: u must remember
You: if u god always saw u
Stranger: u hv id
Stranger: line
You: no, i girls
You: i'm girl
Stranger: yes
You: i dont like gay
Stranger: gv ur id
Stranger: i ad u
You: but, ur play boy
You: i like realy boy
You: not gay
Stranger: not gay
You: you lie!
You: you say u gay
You have disconnected.

 Dan ini chatan seminggu lalu, alhamdulillah nemu cowok baik yang gak mikir aneh2. Wkwk

Stranger: hi
You: f16
Stranger: m 21
Stranger: where do u come from?
You: indonesisa
You: indonesia
You: u know?
Stranger: sue
Stranger: sama
Stranger: kwkwkw
You: ngapain pake inggring tong
You: inggris
Stranger: lah elu juga ngikut bae
Stranger: et typo mulu jari lu segede gaban yak
You: lah, gua kirain lu bule. gue ikut bae
Stranger: ya gue bule jakarta hahaha
You: buleon
You: jakarta mane?
Stranger: east... what about you
You: sok inggris
Stranger: kan berlatih bhs inggris
You: wkwk paling dri google translate
Stranger: bah
Stranger: engga lah... pengetahuan pas zaman sekolah
You: oh, you come from east of jakarta? i'm from south of jakarta.
You: exactly, where?
Stranger: cakung timur.. and you?
You: jagakarsa, you know it?
Stranger: yes i thought
Stranger: using gps lol
You: hehe. now are u work?
Stranger: not
Stranger: im collage student
Stranger: do u still shs right yeahh
Stranger: cabe cabean wkakaka
You: no, i;m in MAN, so i not cabe-cabean.
You: i'm so good
Stranger: its sound so good
Stranger: why do you playing this random chat?
You: to entertain my bored holiday
You: and you?
You: nyari cabe?
Stranger: no im not
Stranger: just wanna some friend
Stranger: cause i want to try my english
You: oh not bad. some people wear omegle with the wrong way
Stranger: oh really? its my second times using those
Stranger: my dream is to aboard
Stranger: and learn how other culture country
You: yeh, so lucky. if i'm using omegle i just find the horny boy
You: i dont like it
Stranger: haha its PK
You: whats is PK?
Stranger: penjahat kelamin
You: yes, i dont like them.
Stranger: do u have line?
You: yes, but not fir you
You: *for
Stranger: holyshit..
Stranger: why? wkwkw
You: maybe, you can modus
Stranger: no -_-
Stranger: just send clover lgr
You: i so ngakak chat with you
Stranger: wkakakaka
You: you so funny
Stranger: so ngakak bahasanya macam apa itu
Stranger: thanks
Stranger: my other dream is pelawak
You: haha. why u not follow stand up comedy?
Stranger: no i cant
Stranger: really not funny i think
You: yes,
You: but you can famous
Stranger: nooo i dont want it
Stranger: just want make my strangers smileee
You: hihi. you are good man
You: maybe, some girls want to be your friends
Stranger: yes i hope so
You: but just friend, because you jomblo
Stranger: no problem .. its not my priority
You: what your priority?
Stranger: to make other people accept me ... cause friendship is good
Stranger: if you can have many friends
Stranger: you can get some happy time with them
You: yeah, i know. u so wise
Stranger: u can't life without friends beside u right
Stranger: like rhoma irama song
You: u dont want girls?
You: so good
Stranger: yes i want
Stranger: but not for now
Stranger: focus on my carier and made a lot friends
You: u collage student in?
Stranger: yes
Stranger: last chapter
You: oh finally
You: jurusan?
Stranger: computer engineering
You: ouh. if i, anak IPS. i must entry?
You: i dont know

nahh, itu dia chatannya, sebenernya banyak yang lebih unik. Tapi, itu chat nya berurutan jadi, ketemunya begitu deh. Huhuuu tulisannya gak kebaca karena copychat lgsg dari omegle. Alhasil, aku harus warnain tulisan ini.

Oke, sekian. Mungkin aku akan share omegelan lagi  dilain kali. haha 

Maaf bgt untuk bad english nya;(



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